Electrical Engineering is that field of engineering which deals with the study and application of technologies like Generation of Electricity and it`s Utilisation, Electronics and Electromagnetism. This field become an identifiable occupation in engineering sector in second half on 19th century though its evolution began long back in 18th century with the invention of Dynamo by Michael Faraday in 1831. In this modern Era along with the three basic needs of human being “Food, Clothes and shelter “ provision of electric supply has also become a basic need in all fields of our day today life like Domestic, Agriculture ,Commercial ,Industrial and day by day in Automobile sector also. Because Electricity is the most flexible and potentially cleanest of energy source option. We have growing range of renewable and other low carbon energy sources that can easily and sufficiently turned into electricity. Electrical Engineering is now divided into different fields like Electrical power system, Power electronics and Industrial drive engineering, Electrical control and Instrumentation engineering ,High Efficiency Electrical motor sector ,renewable energy sector…. Electrical Engineer has to work in very wide range of Industries with variable skill set requirement like Basic Circuit Knowledge, Numerical skill, Critical and creative thinking skill, organisation and communication skill and project management skill. His role is to design, develop and test electrical devices, equipments and systems. Also to install, run, maintain and repair all these electrical devices, equipments and system. Electrical grid itself is now being transformed through smart monitoring , communication and control technologies. Electrical Engineer have the key knowledge in all above mentioned sectors and he has to bring his knowledge and skillset together for a Greener and more Sustainable Energy Future.
"To produce world-class engineers for converting global challenges into opportunities through Valueadded Quality Technical Education in the field of Electrical Engineering."
"To develop this Department so as to meet the rapidly changing Technical as well as Industrialrequirements through continuous updating of curriculum, high quality teaching and development oflaboratory facilities as required."
"To impart quality education in the areas of Electrical Engineering for enhancing theopportunities for higher education,employment and entrepreneurship development ,there bycontributing to socioeconomic development of the State and the Nation at large."
"To maintain a positive academic environment that promotes excellence in learning throughconstructive interaction among students, faculty, Academia and Industry."
"To excel in imparting domain specific technical education through effective Teaching-Learning process, nurturing research, creativity and critical thinking in applying engineeringskills to face the fast growing global challenges and opportunities."
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